
2024 Trip Registration  |  Registration Deadlines:

“Early-bird registration ($150 discount) ends on December 31, 2024, and our final registration deadline for our 2025 cohort will be on May 30, 2025.”

In order to reserve your spot on our cohort, you will need to submit a $200 deposit.  This deposit is applicable towards your overall tuition.  Once we receive your initial registration form (on this page) we will send you an invoice to pay your deposit.


Your spot will not be guaranteed until you have both completed the form on this page AND paid your deposit.


Additional Information

Cancellation Policy: Click Here

Release of Liability: Click Here

Above: A popular addition to the trip is a three-day excursion to the incredible and majestic Mayan ruins of Tikal.

Above: Participants on the 2015 Guatemala Trip were able to help out 5th graders with an art project involving natural elements (leaves, berries, etc.) in and around the school.

Above: Participants from the 2015 Guatemala Program are shown at our “going-away dinner” with their host mother and “sister.” Participants are able to form lasting relationships with their host families and with other participants!

Early registration runs from September 30 through December 31, and includes a $150 discount on tuition.

Space is limited, so check back often to ensure you are able to secure a spot on our 8th cohort to Guatemala!